Member since Dec 15, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Ariana Moxie on 12/15/2015 at 4:22 AM
    I agree with Susan Gunn. Salt Lake City, Utah found it is actually SAVING the city a great deal of money since it began giving homes to people who were homeless. Since some cities in our Christian-weighted nation cannot be bothered to have actual compassion for those in need as Jesus taught, as every spiritual leader taught, perhaps they'd like to consider the bottom line. And not just the fact their city could soon be fined in court for enacting unconstitutional laws amounting to cruel and unusual punishment by simultaneously not providing adequate shelter beds and criminalizing not having a bed to sleep in. The economic reality of cost-savings in emergency medical and other expenses may shock anyone's media-manipulated prejudices against the homeless, but please do the research to learn the truth instead of supporting elitist's political agendas meant to divide Americans against one another.