Member since Jul 26, 2018


  • Posted by:
    Anna Crystal on 09/25/2019 at 8:30 AM
    Re: “Bottom’s Up
    Wow, I have so many feelings right now I don't know where to begin and probably won't be very articulate, but I have to write something, at least...

    As, um ... *upset* (vast understatement) as this review made me, at least the fact that it got printed has opened up this amazing conversation, with some of the most insightful, wittiest comments I've ever seen here! Thank you, Tucson! <3

    I'm a passionate pole dancer (in a studio, but I have SO much admiration for strippers, without whom pole wouldn't exist as we know it). I'm so busy poling and teaching pole that I haven't been able to see this movie yet, but my pole-community pals and I plan to go ASAP.

    It REALLY impressed me when I heard that this movie's makers were careful to consult *actual* strippers and sex workers, which is pretty awesome for a mainstream film. The fact that it's gotten so many positive reviews elsewhere makes me happy.

    Grimm, ***PLEASE*** don't go on the defense here. I really hope you can try to understand that there are experiences you don't/can't understand, can't understand, experiences of people who don't have the privileges you do. When you don't understand something, and you're not sure how to be an ally, usually the best thing to do is at least not take up bandwidth that might be used by those who need it.

    I'm probably too late to write this; I presume these comments have already incensed you enough that you've stopped reading them and have convinced yourself you don't care about these earnest people's input ... and *feelings* (people aren't just angry; there's a lot of hurt here!). But if you see this, just knowthe next most amazing thing that could happen here is that you acknowledge that you don't know everything and can't write about everything and you've learned something here. If you can take this as an opportunity to challenge yourself, you might be able to earn back the respect of even some of the most hardcore haters on this page. I, for one, would be blown away by a simple apology.