Member since Jan 18, 2014


  • Posted by:
    AEI on 10/20/2019 at 7:15 PM
    Re: “Tucson Salvage
    The topic is of local interest to be sure, but can we please turn down the delivery? Indeed it was a dark and stormy night...
  • Posted by:
    Amy Ijams on 03/04/2017 at 9:35 PM
    In response to several comments made above, Ms. Sedgewick is a *self proclaimed* white supremacist and publicly admitted her comment.…

    Mike Hicks doesn't have respect enough to attempt saying any one person's name correctly, even when pronounced for his benefit. He's lackadaisical and poorly equipped for leadership.

    Think: The Big Lebowski.
    Yeah, well, you know, thats just, like, your opinion, man. The Dude
    This is a very complicated case Maude. You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous.
    The Dude……
  • Posted by:
    Amy Ijams on 09/24/2016 at 9:53 AM
    I would really appreciate seeing a factual and comprehensive graphic listing ALL of the district's moves, decisions, actions, successes and failures since the current board and superintendent took office. It should be compiled by an objective party with solid facts to back each action listed. The board reelection issue demands clarity and objectivity, something voters are unable to discern with currently published information. Please advise when this becomes available.
  • Posted by:
    Amy Ijams on 08/17/2015 at 6:24 PM
    Francis Siatta: you must not have been fortunate enough to have been educated in the great state of Louisiana. > Arbitrary capitalization and incorrect use of quotations immediately invalidated your point for this teacher despite the occasional use of three and four syllable words. Interestingly, editing one's work just happens to be a skill heavily focused upon in *this* state's classrooms... well, mine anyway... so, by some arguments, you should pay me more for that. >

    Which leads me to Bisbee Boy's business comment. The day education is officially construed as a business, I'm taking my 16 year teaching career and walking the hell away. I've seen the business approach in action in one growing Arizona based charter (which will remain unnamed) and it sickens me, because, hello... we're talking about children here folks, not cars or produce.

  • Posted by:
    Amy Ijams on 11/10/2014 at 6:00 PM
    David, as a member of the ranks down in the proverbial trench of the classroom, saying that TUSD is a failure is ridiculous... it's too big and has too many people of widely varying skill to make that kind of blanket statement. There is much good to say about many TUSD people and programs. What *would* be an accurate to say is that TUSD -over the long haul- has implimented SO MANY new programs, systems, protocols, mandates, structures, training and put so many Band-Aids on so many boo boos that we've grown weary and skeptical. EEI? Down our throats for an entire year. Now? Zip. SuccessMaker? Choking on it for two years. Now? Late implementation, and oh, it's un-supported this year, don't call us. Harcourt literacy... "follow with ultimate fidelity!" Now? I can't even get a replacement workbook after multiple requests and there are no less than three different literacy approaches in place in my school alone. Man, I'm tired of the wheel being reinvented with nothing to show but wasted hours and blown money. As a result, my trust in leadership has wavered and morale just plain sucks. I'm only 15 years into this TUSD gig, imagine how strung out on this bologna the ultra long timers are. *sigh*
  • Posted by:
    Amy Ijams on 05/31/2014 at 4:15 PM
    The fact that BASIS is spreading their disease to the elementary level sickens me.
  • Posted by:
    Amy Ijams on 03/27/2014 at 8:59 PM
    I've read David's review and I've read the comments. All of them contain at least one point (in some cases many more) that strike a strong chord with me. I'm a "team member" (H.T.'s phrase) and our team - both state and local - are so painfully flawed that all my thoughts and opinions just melt into one simple sadness.