Member since Feb 22, 2017


  • Posted by:
    Jim Campbell on 02/22/2017 at 10:03 PM

    Let me see if I can explain this to you simply. Why don't people show themselves to you re: TUSD?

    Here is Kathy Campbell, mother of three TUSD students, owner of a small homebuilding business that builds about 20 homes a year for families in Tucson. She prides herself in what she does and prides herself in Tucson. But she is dissatisfied with the bullying of her girls, she struggles with the lack of dollars and textbooks in the classroom, her kids with 504 learning plans are ignored and she has great empathy for the teacher friends that are being financially abused by the District. She decides to speak up. Raise her hand. She decides to try to make a positive difference. She simply tries to have a voice in what is best for her kids.

    And what do you do David? What do your friends from the embedded establishment do? You try to destroy her. You and your ilk create a website and spread rumors that stain her. We all hear she wants to destroy schools. She wants to kick out the kids (hers as well) and tear the buildings down. Then, because she is a greedy homebuilder who cares zero about her own kids and their education, she wants to build homes on the lands of the destroyed schools. She wants to make money on the destruction of her own kids education. She (and her husband) are the anti-Christ. How dare they speak what they feel is right and fair for their children?

    David, you and the ones you support destroy ANYONE that cares differently or may believe in a slightly different direction. A direction that is less political and a bit more about the kids. A direction that pays teachers what they are owed and wants greater than 50 cents of every dollar in the classroom. You destroy them.....and then you wonder why more don't expose themselves to your brutality. Good day sir.