Member since Feb 17, 2016


  • Posted by:
    az parent on 02/17/2016 at 9:20 PM
    My child was awarded an ESA due to the local school being graded a D school. We used the funds to catch up in subjects where education had been lacking and to become college ready. We never would have been able to fund these classes without ESA. To those saying ESA takes away from public schools I strongly disagree. ESA allows students stuck in a failing public school to leave and get a real education elsewhere. ESA empowered my child to graduate high school with the required abilities to be accepted into a university and excell. The D grade public school did not have the classes or academic rigor needed to prepare for college. Educating the child should be the most important point, not who can get school funding. I personally feel it is very wrong to keep giving public tax funds to failing public schools when ESA allows students a chance at a better education. I am sure countless others feel the same.