Member since Aug 6, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Daniel Ferra on 08/05/2020 at 9:43 PM
    US Federal Reserve Bank WHITE Plantation Slave Owner Mentality

    The Big Money Puts Everything On The Streets

    US Federal Reserve Bank Bitch Slapping Home Globe In Warring Slavery Mineral Oil An Gas Extraction Territories

    US Federal Reserve Bank Nuclear Fossil Fuel Global Federal And State Energy An Water Policies Are Poisoning An Killing us

    Destroying Our Fragile Life Sustaining Eco-Systems

    Sandy Katrina Irma Maria Harvey Dorian And Isaias

    US Federal Reserve Bank Lying An Denying Global Warming

    444 Nuclear Reactors
    450 Nuclear Facilities
    Over 2,000 Nuclear Detonations
    Over 250,000 Toxic Tons Of Radiated Nuclear Waste
    Over 20,00 Nuclear Weapons

    Already One Fukushima

    20 Feet Of Sea Level Rise In Greenland
    200 Feet Of Sea Level Rise In Antarctica

    Melting Calving Getting Ready To Collapse Today Tonight Tomorrow With In 36 Months

    Arctic No Longer Keeps The Northern Hemisphere Cool Cold Or In Freeze

    Greenland Does Now

    21 June 2020 Siberian Arctic 100F.

    US Federal Reserve Bank Has us In Their Executive Extinction Execution

    And we talk about a girl Who Needs help Not Judgement

    No Baby Grows Up Wanting Addiction

    We Our Animals Only Animals No Human

    And We Our Not Responsible For The Lies Of Life
  • Posted by:
    Daniel Ferra on 03/23/2020 at 7:22 AM
    Re: “The Foilies 2020
    The Western Banking System Of Colonization Is Still Beating Down All Of The Non-White Animals On Home Globe

    At A Time When Their Own Nuclear and Fossil Fuel Extraction Is Poisoning an Killing us

    In Their Executive Extinction Execution

    They Are Locking Up Borders an Getting Ready To Use Their Nuclear Weapons

    Colonialism Capitalism Globalization

    US Federal Reserve Private Bank Dictates
    Federal and State Energy Policies That
    Are Poisoning an Killing us
    Destroying Our Fragile Life Sustaining Eco-Systems

    “Right now the course of our future is being set by the fossil fuel industry, the most powerful corporations in the history of the world, and they’re steering us off a cliff into a raging inferno.

    They fight each day to blow up more mountains for coal, demolish more land and oceans for oil and shatter more of the ground beneath our feet by fracking for oil and gas with a cocktail of the most toxic chemicals known to humankind.

    With each passing day that these interests set our course, with every additional ton of greenhouse gases emitted like a poison in our atmosphere, the drier the ink becomes on the bleak future written by the fossil fuel industry.

    That future is one where oceans drown our coastal homes and cities, where biodiversity is diminished.
    It’s a future where droughts will parch our agricultural fields and allow wildfires to run rampant.

    It’s a future where clean, freshwater will be among the world’s scarcest resources, and where smog and pollution suffocate our lungs and the planet’s.

    Given the fossil fuel industry’s seemingly unlimited money and political influence, changing their course and taking control of our future is a tall order.

    But again, we must. And all of you, can make the choices that lead you to seize that control.
    I can tell you how significant a difference each of us can make, how important the choices we make can be and the power we have in this country.” John Armstrong

    Methane Induced Irradiated Heat
    It Is Going To Get Hotter an Wetter
    “The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere exists in direct relation to the temperature.
    If you increase the temperature, more water evaporates and becomes vapor, and vice versa.
    So when something else causes a temperature increase (such as extra CO2 from fossil fuels), more water evaporates.

    Then, since water vapor is a green house gas, this additional water vapor causes the temperature to go up even further — a positive feedback. ”Explaining how the Water Vapor Greenhouse effect works; Sceptical Science.

    How much does water vapor amplify CO2 warming ?

    Studies show that water vapor feed back roughly doubles the amount of warming caused by CO2.
    So if there is a 1°C change caused by CO2, the water vapor will cause the temperature to go up another 1°C.

    When other feedback loops are included, the total warming from a potential 1°C change caused by CO2 is, in reality, as much as 3°C.

    “A warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture, and globally water vapour increases by 7% for every degree centigrade of warming.”Kevin Hester

    Carbon 411.78ppm + Methane Natural Gas 2,300ppb + Water Vapour = Global Warming Extreme Deadly Weather Abrupt Climate Changing Sea Level Rising Over 220 Feet

    Add 2.0C. Temp Rise Carbon
    Add 2.0C. Temp Rise Water Vapour
    Add 2.0C. Methane Natural Gas 2,300ppb
    …..= 6.0C. Temp Rise Now

    Not IPPC 2.0C Global Temp Rise

    Record Drought Record Dead
    Record Fires Record Floods
    Record Highs Record Lows
    Record Rain Record Snow

    Until Greenland Collapses Then Just Fukushimatized Record Heat Record Rain Year After Fossil Fuel Nuclear Radiated Year

    This Methane Natural Gas Veil Enveloping The Stratosphere
    “IS 65C. Hotter Than Normal” Sam Carana
    And Getting Hotter
    Since 2005
    Methane Hydrates
    Mantle Methane From Isostatic Rebounding an
    Have Been Seeping Spewing an Venting Methane Natural Gas In The Arctic
    All That Methane Is Accumulating in The Stratosphere an Warming The Troposphere
    Melting Calving Getting Ready To Collapse
    Greenland an Antarctica
    Antarctica Has Melted The Last Four Years What It took Arctic To Melt In 34 Years
    Over 220 Feet of Sea Level Rise

    And One Of Many Feed Back Loops That Have Kicked In Because Of The Executive Extinction Execution, This Major Geological Reality
    Methane Burp Or Pingoe Popping Pimple
    and at some point, like Natalia Shakhov, Guy Mcpherson, and Kevin Hester point out, we are going to experience a Methane blow out in the Arctic, from Mantle Methane, Perma-Frost, Methane Hydrates, Pingoes.

    The Methane has been telling us, it is going to blow since 2005 by Natalia Shakhov, what was a finger size blow whole in 2005 is now a 200–300 ft. wide blow hole called Pingoes 2015
    And their increasing in number and size in Siberia, North American Plate, and on the Euro-Asian Plate

    We Are Already Locked in to 20C. Temp Rise an Will go Off The Charts In Heat Even If We Stopped Emitting Now
    Methane has a 10 year lag time an Carbon has 30–50 Year Lag time in Reaching its Full Molecule Potential in Holding Heat Mass
    Methane has 130 Times More Heat Mass in the Molecule in First Ten years
    Then 86 Times More Heat Mass per Molecule over 20 years
    Then 34 Times More Heat Mass per Molecule over next 80 Years Than Carbon

    Will The Crust Vaporize In To The Mantle When Sea Level Rises Above 10 Feet ?
    Creating Over 1,000 Fukushimas !

    440 Nuclear Reactors
    450 Nuclear Fuel Rod Pools
    Over 1,300 Fuel Rod Pools
    Over 14,000 Nuclear Weapons
    Over 250,000 Toxic Tons Of Radiated Nuclear Waste
    Over 2,000 Nuclear Detonations Excused As Test

    We Now Have Methane Natural Gas Irradiated Heat Enveloping The Stratosphere
    When Will It Kill us
    This Second Minute Hour Today Tonight Tomorrow With In 36 Months

    Vatican Switzerland US Federal Reserve Bank Judicial System Google Facebook All Are Deniers an Censor an Punish us For Demanding Change

    Shut It Down Leave It In The Ground
    We Should Not Throw In The Towel,
    Now Is The Time To Act
    Campaign to Allow Californian Residents to Sell Electricity Obtained by Renewable Energy Solar Wind an Batteries To the Utility aka Feed In Tariff

    We Need a National Feed in Tariff Will you read, sign, and share this petition?…
    I started This video in 2014
  • Posted by:
    Daniel Ferra on 08/06/2015 at 7:35 PM
    In Dec. World Leaders are to meet in Paris to discuss Global Warming, at issue is the amount of greenhouse gases we our emitting, and their plan of action.

    "A greenhouse gas is any gaseous compound in the atmosphere that is capable of absorbing infrared radiation, thereby trapping and holding heat in the atmosphere. By increasing the heat in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases are responsible for the greenhouse effect, which ultimately leads to global warming." Live Science

    Globally we our emitting 40 - 50 Billion Toxic Tons a Year.

    The United States emitted 6.8 Billion Toxic Tons in 2014

    In the 1850s - 1870s parts per million of Carbon in our atmosphere was between 260 - 280.

    In the 1980s, there was 350 ppm of Carbon.

    2015 - 404 ppm in Our Atmosphere.

    We just passed the 1C. baseline Rise !

    India, Pakistan, Japan, and the Middle East, Record Breaking, Heat Killing Waves !

    Massive, Salmon, Starfish, Sea Lion, and Birds, Die-Offs in the Pacific Ocean !

    The Pacific Ocean is 3 - 8 degrees warmer than Normal. and running in the the Arctic Sea !

    The Jet Stream is acting like a balloon that is loosing air.

    The Arctic Ice and Snow may be gone at the end of this Summer. A Huge Natural Cooler for the Northern Hemisphere, that Man and Woman have never lived without !

    The meeting in Paris, should be about Closing the Fossil Fuel Faucet.

    "Professor Chris Field is bullshitting the planet. On whether 1.5C is still feasible" Kevin Hester

    "The message is already clear, that if the world does want to strive to limit warming to 1.5C or less, we don't have very much of the carbon budget left." Professeor Chris Field

    "There is no carbon budget any more and 5C is baked in according to both Shell petroleum and the International Energy Authority. " Kevin Hester

    "Chris Field is the founding director of the Carnegie Institution's department of global ecology and professor for interdisciplinary environmental studies at Stanford University. He is the co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) working group two (WGII) and US nominee for the chair of the IPCC."
    With people like this driving the IPCC you can see why we are all done for." Kevin Hester.

    There is No Carbon Budget

    California emitted 459 Toxic Tons of Carbon Dioxide in 2014.

    Gov Browns call to reduce this to 1990 levels so we can continue to emit over 400 million Toxic Tons a year, will not help us stop or slow down Global Warming and Sea Levels Rising.

    "Updates to the 2020 Limit.
    Calculation of the original 1990 limit approved in 2007 was revised using the scientifically updated IPCC 2007 fourth assessment report (AR4) global warming potentials, to 431 MMTCO2e. Thus the 2020 GHG emissions limit established in response to AB 32 is now slightly higher than the 427 MMTCO2e in the initial Scoping Plan." Ca. Gov. Data

    What will the Temp. be at 415 ppm ?

    "Ice sheets contain enormous quantities of frozen water. If the Greenland Ice Sheet melted, scientists estimate that sea level would rise about 6 meters (20 feet). If the Antarctic Ice Sheet melted, sea level would rise by about 60 meters (200 feet)." National Snow and Ice Data Center.

    When will Sea Level Rise to 220 - 300 Feet ? 2020 ? 2025 ? ?

    What will the ppm of Carbon be when this happens ?

    As of Now, they are talking about capping GHGs at 450 ppm.

    What will the Temp. be at 450 ppm ?

    We must transition to 100% Renewable Energy

    Implement a California Residential and Commercial Feed in Tariff.

    California Residential Feed in Tariff would allow homeowners to sell their Renewable Energy to the utility, protecting our communities from, Global Warming, Poison Water, Grid Failures, Natural Disasters, Toxic Natural Gas and Oil Fracking.

    A California Commercial FiT in Los Angeles, Palo Alto, an Sacramento Ca. are operating NOW, paying the Business Person 17 cents cents per kilowatt hour.

    Sign and Share this petition for a California Residential Feed in Tariff.