Member since Jun 6, 2015


  • Posted by:
    DesertSky on 06/06/2015 at 5:25 PM
    Re: “Dust Devil
    I live in Picture Rocks and on the SW side of my home I have dust devils starting up and going through my home several times a day and it's shake rattle and roll :)
  • Posted by:
    DesertSky on 06/06/2015 at 5:23 PM
    And now the state has it where if you have marijuana in your blood for no matter if it was one day a few hours or a month and your driving you can get a DUI does that make sense?
  • Posted by:
    DesertSky on 06/06/2015 at 5:14 PM
    Personally I feel the state should be out of the medical marijuana business and leave it to the doctors to prescribe and let the pharmacies distribute it to the patients not legal drug dealers known as dispensaries. The dispensaries charge sky high prices for bud that sometimes has seeds in it and you can still get arrested only this time the cops have your address on a database that you use medical marijuana. Everything the anti marijuana campaign says about cannabis is a complete lie as we know and they get people to actually believe their rubbish. Cannabis should completely legal as for one it is one of Gods plants and here for a reason but politicians use it for a campaign issue and they put otherwise would be law biding citizens in jail for nothing more than using for themselves or growing just for their own use. Its another law that makes absolutely no sense. How many good law enforcement people have been killed because of this law and how many will continue to be killed because of an illegal law?