Member since May 13, 2015


  • Posted by:
    mwd3 on 05/13/2015 at 10:36 PM
    I work in CA for a company that makes things (not just software) and my mother-in-law works at the UofA. She was pressing for what it would take for my company to put a factory in Tucson. She was horribly disappointed when I told her that the costs (even in 2000) were not the problem. The problem is that my company needed skilled, educated people and we couldn't find a large enough pool in AZ. The problem isn't finding the few exceptional people that wanted to work in Tucson, the problem is getting enough of the right people that can fill a factory.

    Oh, and did anyone notice that CA has a budget surplus this year? Somehow we do it with higher taxes and more regulation than AZ. And the property values are insane because more, high skill folks keep moving here.