Member since Nov 15, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Maggie Lin on 11/15/2014 at 7:57 AM
    Why in the world should we allow illegals to become citizens? What good will that do the everyday American citizen...? Anyone? Anyone? Pandering to people who aren't even allowed to be here and aren't even a citizen makes zero sense.

    What has our country come to? Enforce our laws and this won't be an issue.

    Why are we obligated to house these ILLEGAL people? They already get FREE healthcare at hospitals. What’s next - giving them free food, voting rights, and a EBT card / welfare check?

    Obama has destroyed our economy and amnesty for illegals will only make it worse. Everyone is under-employed and can’t afford to live. We must now purchase health insurance we cannot afford and do not want or need (mine is $450/month… contrast this to my $25/month auto insurance from Insurance Panda… or my $15/month renters insurance from Eagle… both private-enterprise!). Imagine what will happen when we have to subsidize the insurance for all these illegals….

    Illegal aliens show up and all of sudden the govt. can bend over backwards to support them.