Member since Oct 24, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Jake Eagleshield on 02/04/2015 at 8:08 AM
    Horrible wages,cheapskate employers, A proportionate cost of living twice that of New York City, the most offensive,law scoffing drivers west of the Mississippi,living next door to the same people for ten years,and can't even get them to wave much less talk. Blast furnace heat that keeps you locked up indoors ten months a year. Roll up the sidewalks at 10 PM. If you don't drink like a fish,there is nothing to do.
    Terrible school system. The dumbest most disrespectful children anywhere. A city government that still tries to run this place as if it were still a cow town. Only city its size in the country without a cross town freeway. Try so hard to 'not be like Phoenix' you are worse.
  • Posted by:
    Jake Eagleshield on 10/24/2014 at 9:35 AM
    Re: “Who Gives a Crap?
    Here is the problem as I see it. A resident of a ward,can be represented on the council by someone who actually lost the vote in that ward! That is not real representative government,in my book. The ward residents vote for one person,and the rest of the city gets to negate those votes,by voting for someone they probably do not even know,but vote because they belong to a particular political party. That is like allowing Canadians to vote for our President. Combine that with a toothless powerless Mayor who is nothing but a ribbon cutter,and the future of our city is in the hands of an unelected City Manager,who actually answers to nobody,because his actions are almost always rubber stamped by the council.