Member since Jun 30, 2014


  • Posted by:
    wb7bb on 07/23/2014 at 6:54 AM
    I attended a psychology class at U.A. and then asked the question of a homeless man in Tucson, how may of the homeless are victims of PTSD. He replied about 75%. I asked why don't the use the shelters? He replied "they are using drugs or alcohol" to cope and theses are not allowed in the shelters. Psychological treatments help but, most psychologist talk in circles going back the the original causes. While the standard medications help (lorazapan and citalopran help they make users sleepy and lethogic. Twenty Two PTSD victims create suiscide per year, they have just given up trying to cope with the tramatic incidences they experienced. Not just the military vetarans have PTSD but, civilians too for the trageties they have encountered. If small doses of majaruna helps, good. If it's controlled.'
    I am a vicitim of PTSD and no one knows the hurt and depresession one feels, with this unknown caused and uncured disease causes and yes, suicide is common.