Member since Jan 9, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Joseph Thomas Clarke on 05/07/2014 at 5:48 PM
    Re: “Danehy
    He can talk about how Liberalism has gone wrong in this country all he wants. Anyone can see that both parties brought the country to wounded knees by the pursuit of greed, inequality, misappropriation and poor decision making. The common man is not born with any power, it must be fought for. That is just how it is. The systemic problems we are seeing almost mirror Germany pre World War II and you do not have to be a history buff to know what came next. What this country needs is an overhauling from top to bottom. Maybe then we will finally be living up to the ideal we present to the rest of the planet.
  • Posted by:
    Joseph Thomas Clarke on 01/09/2014 at 6:46 AM
    This honors and captures the essence an amazing man who was snatched from us ruthlessly. I am saddened by the loss, yet also hopeful knowing there are those who still carry that loss every day, living with gratitude, dignity and honor.