Member since Dec 11, 2013


  • Posted by:
    cjpino on 12/11/2013 at 5:26 AM
    Many people would find anything racist that has anything whatsoever to do with any blacks. If you dont like obama or his policies you get called a racist when race has nothing to do with it, he is just a lousy president.
    Yes, Mandela brought peace to South Africa, but through terrorism! He was an admitted communist and terrorist that plotted from his cell. Yes some of his biggest supporters were communists. Why should we lower the flag for him? No he was not an American and did nothing for America, yet obummer goes to his funeral. Margaret Thatcher was our closest allie during the cold wat and this idiot of a president sent no one! Was that disrespect called racist by whites? Btw, the separation of powers piece was right on. Too bad our schools didnt teach civics and government better, and with common core they are only going to get worse.