Member since Feb 5, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Kennon Gilson on 03/20/2020 at 2:37 PM
    A lot of people are getting interested in the libertarian options. Why?

    Libertarians in South Korea proactively help set up a system of rapid tests that has led to few cases, economic normality, and minimal quarantines.

    Many compare this to the US where the anti-libertarian far-left regulators made it impossible to get tests, and are now demanding quarantines dangerous to civil liberties. Not to mention that the virus came from a country suffering from totalitarian far-left medical regulation where they arrested the guy who discovered the virus.

    It is time to remove far-left regulations that prohibit hospitals and private health systems from creating endowments to bring free long term care and purchase needed equipment, or prohibit similar union-based and owned medical co-ops favored by Libertarians.
  • Posted by:
    Kennon Gilson on 10/24/2019 at 12:55 AM
    BTW--Thanks for the article! For info on how Libertarians and friends are addressing these issues worldwide, please see the non-partisan Libertarian International Organization.
  • Posted by:
    Kennon Gilson on 10/24/2019 at 12:52 AM
    Parent X

    Thanks for your comment. That just isn't the Libertarian agenda. Libertarians invented and champion endowed and preferably student/parent run public schools but without the coerced taxation, monopolism, conformism, etc. They also stand for private and home schools.

    Some libertarian fans say abolish public schools when what is meant is end coerced pseudo-public schooling/government control. I'm not sure the right-Republicans are making that distinction. The left sure isn't in many cases.

    More people support the Libertarian campaign to end the immorality of coerced taxation. Involuntary taxation will end. 'Smart government spending' needs to start adjusting to this reality.
  • Posted by:
    Kennon Gilson on 10/24/2019 at 12:24 AM
    It's been pointed out that Libertarians are the main supporters and primary inventors of public education, they just don't believe totalitarians should be running it under cover of coerced government ownership, regulations, and taxation. They support free choice and free education supported by endowments, not destructive far-left (or right) taxation and conformism.

    In this they feel champion US common law, where the schools are owned by the people, not the government. Libertarian-led deregulation of schools has led to e-learning, more choice, lower costs, and spread of e.g. critical thinking classes. They have a world campaign to make college easily accessible to all who so desire and are able.

    Libertarians would say it is false to equate public with government as done by the author, David Safier, and many might say he seeks to DE-educate you and get his ideology in under the radar.

    Safier is entitled to his opinion, but not to mis-representing Libertarians.…
  • Posted by:
    Kennon Gilson on 05/04/2018 at 1:22 PM
    This will sound to many Libertarians like a bigoted hate-article. Can the author prove that formal large-L Libertarians have anything to do with this matter?

    That said, many might react that it would seem teaching on economics is just what is needed on all sides!
  • Posted by:
    Kennon Gilson on 05/25/2016 at 7:05 PM
    This is what the students are saying (from an e-mail):

    "The Kochs aren't Libertarians. But basically anti-Koch=pro-fascist. The Kochs joined Libertarians in the 70's advocating for LGBT, unions free of government restrictions, the right to sue for pollution damages, exposing the global cooling orthodoxy (which is now the global warming one), and successfully fighting left and right totalitarians--all of which their present pseudo-progressive opponents then opposed.

    They now fund the idea that if pro-market people are expected to fund colleges, the least colleges can do is not use the money to attack them and give them a fair hearing, typically in comparative philosophy courses. Thus the Kochs are the largest indirect corporate funders of the study of both John Locke--and Karl Marx. Horrors!"

    For info on world Libertarianism, GOOGLE Libertarian International Organization
  • Posted by:
    Kennon Gilson on 02/24/2014 at 1:45 PM
    The Libertarian argument does not depend on the quality of common schools but is against coercive taxes and for free choice. Removal of legal blocks to charters, homeschools, private schools, etc. have occurred already in many states.

    For information on Libertarians worldwide see the non-partisan Libertarian International Organization via