Member since Sep 8, 2012



  • Posted by:
    OMGitsme on 02/07/2017 at 2:18 PM
    But those are the kind of people the Republicans want heading up the agencies. Knowing they will destroy them, not accomplish anything good. We now have an administration that is truly working to trash America, it news media and revoke many safety laws that protect us from the rich. But since billionaires now control us under Trump, they will have the green light to be as corrupt as they want, as Trump as done
  • Posted by:
    OMGitsme on 04/15/2016 at 2:24 PM
    I have been saying for years the Republicans hate kids, only the unborn, since they are against abortion, but once kids are born. They are on their own, for education, healthcare, food, etc. The Republicans hate educated kids. They prefer to keep them dumb, as their slaves, non thinkers. That is how they won elections. Why keep bringing up illegals, that is just speaking points for Republicans and allows them to do nothing.
    And when a criminal Republican gets caught, they want to suppress freedom of the press, like the Senate speaker tried to do.
    Lets get smart people and elect those that support kids, education, jobs, healthcare, security, Vote for a democrat. Thus far that is the best choice.
  • Posted by:
    OMGitsme on 04/13/2016 at 6:09 AM
    Re: “Dr. Ducey
    Again, Republicans hate women can choose to have a abortion for any reason, yet once that kid is born they refuse to support it with healthcare, kidcare, education, etc. The Republicans are most evil in their thinking. Its about the Power they want over the women, the citizens of the state and nation. They say they hate big government, yet ever GOP elected President has record size governments under them.
    When will the voter wake up to what the Republicans say and actually do. To me, the GOP is the real terrorist in our state and nation. Out to destroy
  • Posted by:
    OMGitsme on 03/29/2016 at 7:01 AM
    AT least any Democrat would be better than what the GOP has to offer. Look how they destroy America under the GOP leadership of G. Bush. Talk about that, naw, the GOP prefers to cover up anything they do, but will hold heading for years, wasting tens of millions against the democrats. BTW Chaffetz is the terrorist of the GOP, a worthless lawmakers, that lies. Did you watch him at the Flint, MI water hearings? His only agenda was to trash the EPA, the department that tries to keep America from the pollution that the GOP creates. Have we ever added up the billions the GOP wastes annually on committee hearings and do the hearings every produce any results. NAH,
  • Posted by:
    OMGitsme on 03/29/2016 at 6:54 AM
    But the AZ Republicans refuse to even address the plastic bag issue, bottles and can returns. They prefer spending tens of millions in cleaning up trash annually, that actually could be spend on education of the kids. Just stop at a mountain turnout sometime and look over the side of the mountain. Several feet of trashed cans and bottles. This is what AZ represents, supported by the voters.
    Why not have can and bottle return, what is the real reason GOP? Are the lobbyist paying you too much pocket money?
  • Posted by:
    OMGitsme on 03/29/2016 at 6:51 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    We see that the Alabama Gov. is a sex abuser and is loved and supported by the GOP. They support FL Gov Scott who is a 14 time felon too. Elected a 2 time rapist to the Idaho state senate. This is what the GOP stands for. Rights for the criminals and no justice for the honest citizens
  • Posted by:
    OMGitsme on 03/29/2016 at 6:47 AM
    Re: “The Skinny
    I have been saying for years, the Republicans love the unborn, but just wait until you are born and live life. The Republicans hate you. They will do anything to take away your health care, your good health. Look how they treat women and try to suppress their health. Republicans are the real ISIS of America, someday people will wake to that, ah, just maybe Trump will be the waken GOP