Member since Dec 18, 2011


  • Posted by:
    cody on 02/14/2012 at 10:02 PM
    Brian Pedersen is to editorial journalism what lettuce is to a nutritional meal.
  • Posted by:
    cody on 12/23/2011 at 4:56 PM
    The Rialto Foundation could get more revenue if they wanted to. Tucson is halfway between Austin and Los Angeles, two cities that bands on tour will go to. Rialto needs to attract more of these touring bands and host bigger events more nights a week.
    Why don't they?
    1. Because it's easier to get Joey Burns to play ten fundraisers a year than to find ten bands on tour to sell the place out.
    1. Because they are a non-profit. No motivation to excel.
    2. Because it's the Tucson way to strive for mediocrity and fail. The only thing Tucson likes more than an underpass grand-opening is a memorial for failed businesses. Let the blogging begin!
  • Posted by:
    cody on 12/19/2011 at 11:39 AM
    Vicki Friedman has to blame the GOP for everything. Does she know that the Dummycrats are in the majority?
    The Obama administration has spent more money in three years than the Bush administration did in eight years?
    Obama may have given the green light to "get" Bin Laden, but it was Bush who ordered the mission to find him and do what Clinton wouldn't do.
    Under Obama, cronie capitalism is very much alive, although money is being sent to so-called "green" companies who are not producing jobs in this country.
    Obama keeps pushing economic policy that is proven to fail. Meanwhile, he and his family fly around the country on the taxpayer's dime blaming everything on Bush.
  • Posted by:
    cody on 12/18/2011 at 8:27 AM
    I support Shaun McClusky's effort to do what the city is unwilling to do.