Member since May 13, 2011


  • Posted by:
    jvp on 05/13/2011 at 11:10 AM
    Members of TPD have made similarly insensitive and inaccurate assertions. When asked “why he thought rape happened” by a student during a recent meeting with local youth, head of the Adult Sex Crimes Unit Sergeant Tim Milbourn said that it was because “the victims were engaging in certain lifestyle choices,” and made references to drugs and promiscuity.

    We have had many attendees at our Tucson planning meetings relay similar sentiments from TPD - including one in which a detective said he thought the marjority of reported rapes were false reports.

    There is a pervasive cultural notion that women need to prevent rape my changing something about themselves. Rapists report that the way a woman was dressed didn't encourage the rape - the most common reason for victim selection was opportunity - not age, appearance, behavior or attire.