Member since Jan 9, 2011


  • Posted by:
    stopthemadness on 01/09/2011 at 9:51 PM
    Reading his comment about his leaving his religious preference blank, I was reminded of Moussaui, the would-be 20th hijacker. When asked about his religion at the flight school in Minneapolis, the young radical Muslim replied, "I am nothing," which of course, was not true.

    Keep in mind the question came after his alert flight instructor had just described the death of all aboard a flight of Muslim pilgrims to Mecca where the pilot had forgotten to depressurize the cabin...After this exchange took place, the flight instructor wisely instructed his colleague to have the school notify authorities. This was the real reason the flight instructor told a colleague to contact authorities, not as was erroneously reported that the French pilot was only interested learning out to take off and not land.

    The point is not to disparage people who who do not have a religious preference or have no religion at all. And this was not the instructor's point either. The instructor felt Moussaui seemed so self-absorbed and detached from reality on many levels that his, "I am nothing," comment seemed to be a mask hiding criminal intent.

    Jared Loughner , like Moussaui, is not a well person; he is a person who has come to want to murder other people but unlike Moussaui, he actually carried though with his plan. Unfortunately for Loughner and most especially for his victims, his terrorist plans were not intercepted in time. It should make us all appreciate the guardians in our midst who do care enough to report trouble to authorities.