Member since Jan 9, 2011


  • Posted by:
    gman2099 on 01/12/2011 at 9:23 AM
    TellitLikeItIs, vitriol rhetoric simply is using bitterly abusive feeling or expression while speaking ones mind. Maybe that will help in your example searching. Oh wait I have one, "Hate-monger Jon Justice and his followers have the blood of all of Saturday's massacre on their hands." Oh oops, who said that? Sounds pretty bitterly abusive to me seeing that it is an absolute inaccuracy of the facts. :)
  • Posted by:
    gman2099 on 01/12/2011 at 9:13 AM
    TellitLikeItIs, I'll do one better. I'll even show the example I was talking about.…
    At least I'm willing to back it up with something. LOL
  • Posted by:
    gman2099 on 01/12/2011 at 9:08 AM
    TellitLikeItIs, I will do just that as soon as you point out the same from Jon Justice....You proved my point exactly, LOL!!!! What is vitriol rhetoric? Liberals have been throwing around that word since Dupnik used it but without any example or evidence of such. Thank you!!!!
  • Posted by:
    gman2099 on 01/11/2011 at 8:55 AM
    When did Jon Justice ever say or even imply that Dupnik pulled the's more like the other way around. It's sad how some are so blinded by their one sided point of view that they can't think rationally for themselves. Now I will give that the Sheriff was under a lot of stress and anger when he made his initial comments but he is still making them and they are as absurd as stating that music or tv or anything else played a part in this person's actions. I'm sorry but I have never seen such hypocrisy as there is on the left in this country. After George Bush was elected for the second time, the left pulled out every trick (hateful rhetoric) in the book to turn the nation against the right. They even attacked a moderate in John McCain unmercifully until people believed he himself was George Bush. They slaughtered Sarah Palin in the media and still are to this day. And what happened when the right fought back for the past 2 years? They now cry foul!!! Grow up people!!!! If you who call yourselves Liberals are so rightous then show it by stopping your own rhetoric, otherwise man up and stop whining about it!!!!
  • Posted by:
    gman2099 on 01/10/2011 at 6:01 PM
    And how about the fact that more is coming out now that the Sheriff's department had previous run-ins when it came to this nut job threatening others. Hmmmm? Could this be somone trying to pass the buck. I guess time will tell.
  • Posted by:
    gman2099 on 01/10/2011 at 5:52 PM
    Sheriff Dupnik was just on ABC news and specifically named Rush Limbaugh and talk radio as who he is talking about. So where are the excuses now?
  • Posted by:
    gman2099 on 01/10/2011 at 5:27 PM
    Cindee, what hateful rhetoric? Name something specific so that we know what it is that you are talking about, because so far that has been the left's best defense in not naming what they or even this Sheriff meant. Why doesn't he clarify his remarks? Maybe there is some guilt there on his think? Like I said before, those who know of the remarks the Sheriff has made here locally before this, which by the way were exactly the same, and who they were specifically aimed at, know without a doubt who he was speaking to and about in his recent comments. It's not rocket science.
    And for those of you who feel "Words show malice" are we talking about all words or just those of Conservatives? Less we forget words of our own President Barrack Obama: "Republican victory would mean hand to hand combat", "they bring a knife we bring a gun", "hit back twice as hard", "punish your enemies", "I'm itching for a fight", "I don't want to quell anger, I think people are right to be angry, I'm angry" Shall we blame Obama as well?