Member since Dec 4, 2010


  • Posted by:
    uofarainbowbridge on 05/25/2011 at 9:37 PM
    Re: “Mailbag
    Wow, Ted who doesn't live in the City tries to help his brother Tyler who is running for the City Council of????? Tucson in Ward 4 and for which Tyler still hasn't gotten his signatures, and sends nasty letters to women.

    Gee, if Ted were paying attention or knew his history, Arizona is a state and which the cities, under the federal voting rights act, must file a report to the U.S. Justice Department about election plans for review and approval. So these reports, according to the Tucson City Clerk, had to be filed in April.

    But Ted has been busy, screwing over the people with his recent actions, as a state legislator.

    Ted doesn't bother to mention the other cities that have vote by mail in his "letter," which would still have vote by mail. When asked? No concern. Rules, Ted Vogt doesn't live by no stinking rules!

    Ted Vogt also showed that he is no math-wiz either. "In the past two Tucson city elections, an average of 85 percent of the voters who cast their ballots used early-vote by mail for the two primary elections, and 63 percent used early-vote by mail for the two general elections." This quote from the article was fact based, from the voter turnout material from the past two elections from the Tucson City Clerk.

    Facts, figures and results don't mean anything to Ted Vogt. With half the voters in Tucson signed up to receive their ballot already early in the mail.

    If Ted really cared, he would not have supported legislation allowing the counties to consolidate their polling places.

    Also, which way does Ted Vogt vote?

  • Posted by:
    uofarainbowbridge on 04/17/2011 at 3:59 PM
    Re: “Guest Commentary
    Wow TT and Dan! So you two don't vote by mail? So you two go to the polls at a City of Tucson election? So you two don't vote early or by mail in even numbered year elections? So you two opposed the creation by the Republican controlled legislature for the permanent early voting list? So you two opposed the changes to the laws to allow more people to vote early? So you two opposed the recent change in state law to consolidate polling places in even numbered year elections?

    The facts, in Tucson there are six Wards with 244 precincts and with the vote, 60 voting places or ten per Ward, which isn't true.

    Since the permanent early voting list, the number of registered voters has signed up has increased more than two-thirds, from 62,000 in 2009 to more than 106,000 presently, representing close to half the total registered voters in the City, Democratic, Republican and even Hoffman's Libertarian party.

    Since the changes in the early voting laws done by the Arizona Legislature, more than 60% of votes cast their ballots in this manner and that number is growing.

    The political parties and candidates encourage people to vote early and to sign up for the permanent early voting list.

    There was no back room deal, nothing nefarious done on this. It was to deal solely with the process. Hoffman's statements about otherwise are ludicrous, especially about the charter. The Council can vote to put something on the ballot, what the Council did was about how to ensure registered voters get their ballot, nothing more, nothing less.

    As it was reported at the Mayor and Council, the Town Clerks of Oro Valley and Sahuarita, have had no reported cases of voter fraud with their vote by mail elections and they have had them since 2002 and 2003.

    Ten other cities in Maricopa County use the vote by mail process. The biggest city Phoenix, will be using a hybrid process, with 25 polling places, and with more than twice the precincts than Tucson, do the math.

    Enough with the whining and remembering. Ask a young person if they vote and so, how. The answer will be by mail. Voting has evolved over the age of this country and will continue to do so. The most important thing is to get people to exercise their franchise, the ballot, by casting it.
  • Posted by:
    uofarainbowbridge on 01/08/2011 at 9:57 PM
    While Justice spews it out each day while on the air. There wasn't anything about Cong. Giffords, the nineteen shot, the six who died, especially a nine year old girl. It is all about Jon Justice. There is too much vitriolic rhetoric on all fronts, to the point, a simple event where people meet their elected official who represents them, can't be done without armed guards and a metal detector.

    So remember about casting a stone.
  • Posted by:
    uofarainbowbridge on 01/05/2011 at 8:33 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    So will McLatefee and McBrokethelaw pay his fine of $18,450 first or will Jim Click bail his bloated ass out!
  • Posted by:
    uofarainbowbridge on 12/04/2010 at 7:42 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    McNitwit said only $150? So then the television stations gave the air time away for free? McNoWay? What about the finance penalty you paid according to the amended report online? A McLateFee? Done nothing wrong? What about your support of Proposition 200 with no funding for police and fire and your opposition to Proposition 400 this year which had a source to maintain police and fire? McHyprocrisy?!