Member since Oct 7, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Kmkcumber on 10/07/2010 at 10:56 AM
    I have been involved in the Charismatic Movement for more that 25 years and have been to conferences - prayer meetings - Masses - healing services all over the country during that time. For the record, Pete - There have never ever been people going into trances and flopping all over the floor. What a ridiculous statement. It is really very sad that people like Pete - who are completely ignorant of what charismatic gatherings are really like, can completely ruin the reputation of a movement whose only purpose is to help people come into a deep - loving - trusting- intimate relationship with God. It truly brings me to tears. The leaders of the Charismatic Renewal Group in my diocese are very very careful to be completely obedient to the Bishop and to the doctrines of the Church, as are the National Leaders i.e. National Service Committee. Before passing judgement on these leaders as elitists, I would suggest you look into their backgrounds. These people have written hundreds of well read books - Given speaking engagements - conferences, and retreats all over the world and witnessed many many healings. And yet to speak to any of them - they are as humble and down to earth as anyone could be. And the leaders do not stay the same - they change every 3 years or so. You criticize that those with spiritual gifts are the ones who have been chosen to lead. I ask would you want someone who has no gifts or leadership abilities - or abilities to discern to be the ones leading? I dare say if that were the case, then you really would have people going into trances - flopping on the floor and much worse.

    To address Pete's comment that to those who are leaving the Catholic Church for other churches we should just say "who cares - good riddens", is a particularly short sighted view. What does he think is going to happen to the future of the Catholic Church if we continue to see a decline? Isn't our responsibility as good Christians to try to find out what needs we are not filling for those who see the need to leave the richness of the Catholic Church, which is the only Church who has the most precious gift of all - "The Gift Of The Eucharist?" No one is saying that we want to change Church dogma or doctrine - quite the contrary. That is what we are trying to protect and reenforce. All the Charismatic Movement is trying to do is to re-introduce people to the precious gifts that we were all given in Baptism and Confirmation. All we want to do is to help people to either find or re-establish a close - intimate - personal relationship with their God. To come to a place where they can become a little child again - crawl up on Abba (Daddy's) lap and be held and loved the way every child should be. To come to the foot of the cross - look into the bloodied and bruised face of Jesus - to see his broken body and to feel down to the depths of their soul that the only reason He willingly went through this hell was so that they wouldn't have to. That He loved them so much He was willing to suffer a horrible death for them. To know that no matter what they have done or ever will do - Jesus will always be on that cross breathing His last breath calling out his love to them. To be able to come to understand that Jesus gave us the precious gift of His Holy Spirit to "remind us of everything that He (Jesus) taught us" while He was on earth. To know that that Holy Spirit lives now within them and that He has brought these gifts of prayer - discernment - wisdom - knowledge - courage - joy - and too many others to even count. And yes - resting in the Spirit. Resting very peacefully and calmly in the loving arms of God. Not going into trances and flopping around on the floor. So, I ask you - How can this be a bad thing for the Church?

    Kathy, a grateful charismatic