Member since Sep 6, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Charles Ramsey on 07/01/2011 at 6:08 AM
    Re: “Arizona Burning
    The BLM has stated the border patrol is the number one destroyer of public land. Destroying the land changes the climate producing less rain. The destroyed plants add fuel to the fire and the denuded land increases wind speed. Local police informants may not have started this fire but it is sure the illegal destruction of the land by the police increased the extent of the fire.
  • Posted by:
    Charles Ramsey on 06/30/2011 at 6:16 AM
    Re: “Arizona Burning
    Sierra Vista has someone setting transient camps on fire. The evidence is it is another transient getting rid of the competition it is also known the police protect some of the homeless that inform on the illegals in the area.
  • Posted by:
    Charles Ramsey on 04/18/2011 at 7:50 AM
    Re: “Danehy
    Every year 75 police officers lose their lives in automobile accidents. Every year 750 cyclist lose their lives in automobile accidents. Given the difference in miles traveled by the two this makes cycling 600 times as dangerous per hour as police work or 3000 times as dangerous per mile as police work. In most states a driver who hits a car in the rear is at fault in an accident. There have been cases where a drunk driver has hit cyclist in the rear and the police arrest the cyclist and not the driver. I have been hit 4 times.… in one case the police refused to investigate I later learned the driver Richard Thomas Guy had a nonexistent address on his drivers license. The DMV ordered the police to find this guy and arrest him. I can attest the university are corrupt they are currently under federal investigation for identity theft.
  • Posted by:
    Charles Ramsey on 01/16/2011 at 12:33 PM
    Re: “Danehy
    The shooter had a facebook page or some one was posing as him. The page was posted on after he was arrested and deleted after he was arrested. So it may be possible the police were monitoring his computer usage they dropped the ball here and are trying to cover it up.…
  • Posted by:
    Charles Ramsey on 11/15/2010 at 8:55 AM
    Re: “Death of an Agent
    How loud do I have to scream this police officers are murdering their own children at a higher rate than the general population. The murders fall in a clear pattern first the officer kill his wife then the children then himself. Google this yourself with the phrase "officer kill wife" notice news papers never use the phrase "officer murders wife" when you study these cases you will notice there was always evidence that the police officer was dangerous generally wife beating but it was always ignored or covered up by the police.
  • Posted by:
    Charles Ramsey on 11/10/2010 at 8:03 AM
    Re: “Agency Angst
    A more important question is how many people do the police kill. The author of the book Deadly force said on NPR radio no one knows how many people the police kill every year. We do know the police kill 300 people a year in car crashes that they are not chasing. compare that to 75 police officers killed in automobile crashes according to the FBI law enforcement bulletin. We also know the murder plus suicide rate in prison is 20 times the rate of those not in prison however murder rate of those in prison is going down while the suicide rate is going up. Since there is no rational for this it looks like prisons are cooking the books to make them look better. The ABA states 5 percent of all prison inmates are innocent this means 100 innocent people commit suicide or are murdered in prison though only 5 people would have committed suicide or have been killed had they remained out of prison. Again compare this to 75 police officers who are killed in the line of duty by gunfire according to the FBI law enforcement bulletin.
  • Posted by:
    Charles Ramsey on 09/15/2010 at 8:15 AM
    Re: “Social Insecurity
    Read the original law. It specifically states the social security number shall not be used for tracking purposes. The only people who are allowed to have your social security number are your employers your bank. The police are only allowed to have your social security number only in investigations of financial fraud and even then there has to be a chain of custody.