Member since Jun 26, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Arrugula on 06/26/2010 at 5:17 AM
    Arizona: The state that makes Texas look good! Somehow we Californians made this immigration thing work without all the hype and disgust you Arizonians seem to have against the "brown skinned people". In fact, look at our Govenator: He's an immigrant, and might have been asked by your cops to "show papers" if he was not so famous (the accent folks, not the skin color in this case). Of course I'm talking slow so "You All" (All Y'all don't use Y'all cause your not southerners even if you have some racist tendencies in this law). And our Governor was elected, mostly by, our Hispanic voters. In fact, President Obama was elected mostly by people of color...Hmmm, so if we ban the brown man republiscum would be elected and Arizona has a (R) governor--What a coincidence. I take back everything I said about Arizona, it's only the republiscum and Tea Baggers that are really behind this--politics that rip families apart so you can get more votes, NICE! Democrat, Californian, for all the right reasons.