Member since May 19, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Red Winger on 10/28/2010 at 10:04 AM
    It's not true that programs such as Chicano Student Affairs would go away if Prop. 107 passes. Where this initiative has passed in other states, those kinds of programs merely modify themselves to allow anyone to participate and they continue to exist. Let a few white guys into the program and it will continue almost exactly as it has before. Read the truth here -…
  • Posted by:
    Red Winger on 05/19/2010 at 1:16 PM
    McCain may still be ahead in the polls but he's stuck around 50%, the deathknell for an incumbent. Another big government Republican who lost reelection in the primary recently is Bob Bennett from Utah, due to his voting for the TARP bailouts. The voters are in an anti-incumbent mood, and any big-spending incumbent polling around 50 right now is in danger of losing. McCain is going down that same path, desperately flip-flopping to try and maintain his support. I predict the voters see through him and support JD. Contribute to JD here -…
