Member since Feb 22, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Daniel Kingery on 04/29/2010 at 11:23 AM
    Re: “Sympathy vs. Truth
    Personal opinion: A victim who is not willing to confront the person they accuse while in open and public court, as the US CONSTITUION demands, all charges against that person should be dropped.
  • Posted by:
    Daniel Kingery on 04/29/2010 at 11:16 AM
    Re: “Political Insanity
    The way I figure, there are only about 6 reasons most people enter the US illegally.
    1) To flea the punishment for crimes committed in another country.
    2) For work that pays more than where they and their family live.
    3) To drop a baby citizenship anchor.
    4) Other medical purposes.
    5) Education.
    6) Other government handout and programs.

    Solution that takes race out of the equation 100%.
    6) In order to qualify for any government program, EVERY applicant MUST prove they are a LEGAL US of A citizen.
    5) In order to enroll in ANY school in the US of A, EVERY parent or guardian MUST prove they are a citizen of the US of A.
    4 & 3) In all non-emergency cases EVERY patient MUST prove they are a US of A citizen. In emergency situations, every patient shall receive stabilizing care to get them out of danger; at which time EVERY patient MUST prove they are a US of A citizen.
    2) EVERY person or business that hires ANYONE to do work for them MUST require the worker to prove they are a US of A citizen.
    1) Tough, but solvable. EVERYONE not able to prove they are not a US of A citizen shall receive a speedy trial by an impartial jury. If found guilty of being in the US of A illegally, that person is sentenced to a THREE years in government-operated labor-camps with other law-breaker. If found guilty of other crimes, the sentence for each other crime shall start when the previous sentence for another crime ends.

    This solution is legal according to US Constitution 1787, Amendments #8 and #13; so long as the labor forced upon the convicts is of the type and hours that FREE Citizens works LEGALLY for hire or as a volunteer.
  • Posted by:
    Daniel Kingery on 02/22/2010 at 4:55 PM
    It is a total shame that the only rights that people remember about the Declaration are those of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." All the while neglecting the most important right regarding the preservation of those other rights.

    It continues with, "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers form the consent of the governed, that whenever any for of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right if the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government..."


    Daniel Kingery