Member since Jan 7, 2010


  • Posted by:
    spartacus on 05/05/2010 at 7:24 AM
    Re: “The Krentz Bonfire
    Mr McGibbon:

    Trying to reason with an unbalanced, hateful person is a waste of time and energy. He will continue to froth at the mouth no matter what you do or say. He has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as one of the most violent and virulent of nativists in the nation. He consorts with others of his ilk on the far right fringe that includes nazis, the klan, christian identity, skinheads and militias. He is a frightened, confused mess of a man who, sooner or later will be either imprisoned, hospitalized or hurt by himself or others within his unbalanced circle of social misfits.
  • Posted by:
    spartacus on 04/30/2010 at 5:44 AM
    Re: “The Krentz Bonfire
    This is a Wick newspaper - Walt Wick, one of the owners, is a rabid right winger. Their flagship newspaper in Sierra Vista shills for local militias and beats the "close the border" drum incessantly. Don't be surprised that Bank's articles follow the same slant.

    Roy Warden, take your meds and the voices in your head will stop talking to you.
  • Posted by:
    spartacus on 04/03/2010 at 6:52 AM
    Hi Corbett IS a wonderful ballpark, and a great piece of baseball history. It was a minor league park in the Arizona-Texas League for many years before "Big money-big business-impersonal-corporate" baseball became the norm. Go watch the Toros this summer and forget the Dbacks, who turned their backs on you.
  • Posted by:
    spartacus on 01/07/2010 at 7:17 AM
    Re: “Tea Party Medicine
    You are passing junk science and right wing paranoid fantasies off as a legitimate story. There are crazy, deranged and pathological people practicing medicine (Tucson's own Patrick Henry and Josef Mengele come to mind.) And thus the Weekly makes its not so subtle shift to the right, as befits a newspaper owned by the Wicks. All it needs now is S.V. Herald "Senior Reporter" Bill Hess writing puff pieces on the Minutemen and the tea Baggers to complete the circle. How sad.