Member since Jan 1, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Drama4yourMama on 01/01/2010 at 9:52 PM
    Re: “The Skinny
    Lets see, non-public safety City employees have taken a 2.5% cut due to furloughs, and will take a 3% cut, totaling 5.5%, in addition to an increase of up to 50% of medical costs. With all of this, they are still looking at 70+ layoffs to non-Public safety staff...

    While Public Safety staff are asked to cut 3% and only pay a 25% increase in medical costs while not losing any commissioned positions?

    C'mon least spread the wealth evenly.... Public Safety should take a 5.5% cut and pay 50% like everyone else to help 'slow' the flow if they are so concerned. How much would that help out?

    Buy the way may want to read up on how municipal government works...there are rules as to how certain funds can be spent, and Rio Nada money cannot be used for other purposes.....But asking the Cops and Fire to take the same pay and benefits cut as the rest of the city?? Lets see if the unions can walk the walk or only talk the talk......