Member since Dec 20, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Rev. Jebediah Yates on 12/20/2009 at 7:03 PM
    Re: “Live
    Shame on the TW for endorsing a bunch of self-confessed anarchists! The Haymarket Squares are nothing more than a bunch of unpatriotic ungrateful, subversive hooligans. Their type of anti-American music is undermining the very fabric of out social and family values. They have no respect for our sheriff, our government, or our American way of life. I believe in the constitution, but a persons "Freedom of speech" can only be allowed to go so far. When you start to corrupt our children and teach them to disrespect the government and the Church, your "Free speech" has infringed on the right of the community to raise it's children in peace. It's time for Respectable Citizens to stand up to these subversive creeps! I urge everyone who reads this to call Sheriff Joe Arpaio today at (602) 876-1801 and demand that he arrest these criminals!