Member since Dec 17, 2009



  • Posted by:
    mifupa on 12/29/2009 at 4:55 AM
    Re: “Guest Opinion

    Do you realize that the main article is not about how much water each house in Winterhaven uses, but its entitled allotment? Your Festival of Lights has nothing to do with wasting water. The idiocy of Winterhaven residents is mind-blowing.

    If you only knew the reality of what goes on behind the scenes – unfortunately, the majority of Tucson saw a glimpse of the current WWDC President making an fool of himself on a local TV station after berating a local resident – after about $85000.000 is collected from The City of Tucson ($60,000) and though a minimal charging of vendors - except those who's children wish to sell hot chocolate and learn something about civic responsibility, economy, and community citizenship - the WWDC donates less then $7000.00 to the food bank. Yes the Food Bank does receive donations around $34,000 during the Festival of lights, but that is due to the kindness of visitors, not through any great contribution that the WWDC gives to the Food Bank, so the people of Tucson should know that not penny of money is appropriated to homeowners who pay for the electricity and the lights that everyone love to view each year. In fact, the lights that were purchased through a generous contribution by TEP (a publicly traded company, and for which the Winterhaven Regulations state that no corporate sponsorship is allowed) and hung in trees that are “adopted by the Winterhaven Events Committee, need to receive electricity from someplace, so it comes down to whomever’s the property grows, is responsible for providing the electricity to it, at the cost of the homeowner – not WWDC.

    A couple of years a ago, a resident who have a corner house on Country Club and Kleindale Rd, took it upon himself to build a Santa's house, and dressed up as Santa and greeted visitors of all ages. He asked for help with food or money be donated to the Food Bank. The WWDC was furious with is actions and at a board meeting, accused him of stealing the money the way is completely ridiculous. The Community Food Bank raised more money and food that year because of the generosity of the sole individual and was officially recognized by the Food bank for his hard work and contributions. And at a Board Meeting, a member accused him of not giving the money to the food bank. The resident refused to help the following year and instead focused on helping out giving toys for tots that is managed honorably by the US Marine Corp. That resident was berated my board members, so the resident has decided not to try and help Tucson via the Festival of Lights.

    And another thing, after the individual raised close to $1300 and boxes of food for the Food Bank, the WWDC sent a message to all the residents living in Winterhaven taking credit for his actions – despite the initial threats at the beginning of the Festival that he was going to be shut down, via orders by the President of WWDC.

    The Festival of Lights is run by the Winterhaven Events Committee, and with Winterhaven, one of the "hayride" vendors just happens to be a close friend to a Board Member (or former board Member). The amount of money raised by te hayrides does not go to the helping feed the hungry, the money goes to lining lining the pockets of the vendors ---- by the way, one of which is allowed to have a concession stand ------ and it has been told to me more than once, that the horse vendors survive the entire year just by "financially raping" the Tucson community, hence they work a couple of weeks a year hear in Winterhaven and are able to pay most of their personal financial obligations. Why doesn't Winterhaven require more money to be charged by the vendors to give to the Food Bank?

    And, furthermore, why have these outrageous prices and wagon rides in the first place, unless they were green or needed only a contribution to the Food Bank? Tucson needs to realize that the majority of Food Bank contributions are made during the nights in which cars line up for miles to enter the Winterhaven neighborhood. The walk through nights - albeit nice for residents to stroll though, walk up and onto lawns - without permission - and take pictures - is a lovely idea and can be fun; I do this with my own family each year. BUT, this has nothing to do with Winterhaven being Tucson's Oasis during the holiday season. (Did you know that the "WWDC Oasis" will make a resident remove any item that promotes a single and particular religious activity - such as having a Nativity scene displayed; and when it is not, it is only because the house that displays it is either not on a traditional viewing route. the homeowner is a friend - or on - the Board of the WWDC.

    So you see, the Oasis you think Winterhaven creates has nothing to do with water usage. And taking a monthly - to yearly average is statistically meaningless when it comes to water use. It is the MEDIAN that needs to be referenced, not the MEAN.

    And it Winterhaven is so concerned with saving water, why don't the WWDC Board of Members propose that the "allotment of water each month" be dropped to 15,0000 gallons per home, and if more water than that is used, let the "fines" fall where they will. I know for a fact, though, that the lot sizes are very different throughout the neighborhood and some corner lots have more than 6,000 sq. ft of lawn to water, and if you think that 40,000 gallons of water per month is enough to keep them green, all I can say is that ignorance is bliss and senility must be hell.
  • Posted by:
    mifupa on 12/17/2009 at 7:45 AM
    Re: “Guest Opinion
    To the individual who is posted the first opinion, you are clueless and are reminiscent of the bellowing sounds of a crying elephant. Your average for Winterhaven water usage is faulty. The bylaws governed by the WWDC specifically note that lawns be maintained, and there has been many letters threatening assessments sent to the homes that do not water their lawns. If you average the homes that follow the rules, the average is well over 40,000 gallons.

    In addition, a letter of ruling to be voted on was circulated to a select group of residents, in which the year-round green lawns is proposed. It is not speculation, you are probably not in loop, or you are on the WWDC board and prefer to ignore our responsibility to conserving water.

    You are irresponsible in thinking that Winterhaven is saving water and you sound as foolish as the current WWDC President who was seen on TV this last week by berating a resident over a hot chocolate stand; by the way, the previous president ran a hot chocolate stand in his yard during the Festival of Lights and was not shut down. Wake up and smell the creosote…….oh you can’t because there is nothing but lawns in Winterhaven.
  • Guest Opinion

    Winterhaven's leaders need to realize our region is in the midst of a severe drought

    By Ken Mowbray