Member since Nov 19, 2017


  • Posted by:
    Susan Martinez-Nagele on 11/19/2017 at 8:48 PM
    Re: “Tucson Salvage
    Thank you for taking the time to try and get to know him. He used to live near Pantano and Golflinks off of Mark Street. He stood there every day and my husband and I would be talking and say hey! There's Marcus!!! (That is the name we gave him) We questioned his situation but didn't want to intrude. One day we did not see him and then the next and for a few days we didn't we knew that either something happened to him and we prayed he was ok or he moved. A few weeks ago I was driving past Rincon and was sooo happy to see "Marcus". We always saw him as being kind, maybe slow, maybe like Lenny from of Mice and Men. But kind. Again, thank you for taking the time to talk to him.