Member since Jul 17, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Tim Vanderpool on 03/06/2015 at 2:55 PM
    More like the statute of utter irrelevance.
  • Posted by:
    Tim Vanderpool on 03/06/2015 at 1:41 PM
    Worked there more than 20 years ago, enjoyed my job, and departed quite amicably.
  • Posted by:
    Tim Vanderpool on 03/28/2013 at 8:15 PM
    My photograph was taken during a tour of the museum on Saturday, March 23, 2013. Roughly 11 a.m. or so, as I recall. Perhaps the exhibit has changed since then. Can't be sure.

    As mentioned in the article, I attempted to interview both the director and deputy director, who unfortunately chose not to return my calls.

  • Posted by:
    Tim Vanderpool on 10/03/2012 at 11:50 PM
    I was a bartender at the CC in those halcyon days. The Limbs and Howie always packed the house. Not only did they tear it up, but they made sure the working stiffs went home with plenty of gravy. Those were the best times of the rockin' Old Puelbo. Thank-you, Mari.
  • Posted by:
    Tim Vanderpool on 03/09/2012 at 6:33 AM
    Re: “Overlay Approved

    Ernie Duarte, director of the city's Planning and Development Services Department, addressing the mayor and council on February 28:

    “Mayor and council approved amendments to the West University Transition Area in December of last year. Additionally, mayor and council directed staff to proceed with the rezoning of the area to an urban overlay district…

    -Tim Vanderpool
  • Posted by:
    Tim Vanderpool on 06/29/2010 at 9:16 AM
    Re: “Unhealthy Horses
    Tucson Weekly reporter: “There was a horse recently put down that was named Ellie. Why was that animal euthanized?”

    Dr. Mark Arns: “Because she had chronic laminitis and she couldn’t get around.”

    -Tim Vanderpool
  • Posted by:
    Tim Vanderpool on 06/29/2010 at 6:51 AM
    Re: “Unhealthy Horses
    Dear Courtney,

    Maybe you should check the facts before working yourself into a tizzy.

    Domino's medical records from the Equine Center, which I have sitting before me, read as thus:

    August 3. "Dr. Meredith evaluated eye--made cytology slides--strep infection. Start: 25% Betadine solution 4X daily."

    Or this, from Dr. Meredith's Eye Clinic for Animals, dated August 3 as well:

    "betadine 25 %...4 times per day."

    Concerning Ellie's ailments, I was told by Dr. Arns himself that laminitis was the cause of her demise.

    As for the vicious attacks on Judy Glore, well, let no good deed go unpunished. Operating on a shoestring budget, Glore and her volunteers brought this horse back from the brink of death--something that a vaunted equine center at the state's oldest university seemed unable or unwilling to do. In fact, folks with the Heart of Tucson donate a starting amount of time and resources to rescuing horribly abused and neglected animals.

    Now I’d call that the very definition of selflessness. But instead of thanks, Glore and her crew have endured a shameful cascade of vitriol in these pages. Apparently, it’s what occurs when anyone dares question the Equine Center, which I might mention is a public program, operated by public employees on taxpayer-owned property.

    To those who have vented their spleens so voluminously on this web site, I’d suggest your time might be better spent volunteering for groups such as Glore's, which are actually doing some good in this town.

    Tim Vanderpool