Member since Jun 29, 2009


  • Posted by:
    da'man on 03/26/2011 at 9:14 AM
    Re: “¡Ask a Mexican!
    ""(Villas or Zapatas) men hung my great-grandfather in front of his family?",... I think that's called revenge for wage-slavery, debt peonage and generations of exploitation."
    Its called terrorism by a psudo marxist. A good foundation for Mexico's current socialist government.
  • Posted by:
    da'man on 03/26/2011 at 9:07 AM
    You should do an article on the difference between the Federal Constitution and the State Constitution. The federal government gets its duties and power from the states and is subject to the states. In AZ it is the opposite where the cities get their powers and rights from the state gov.

    But I guess if you wanted to actually report reality you would not be writing for the Tucson Weekly.
  • Posted by:
    da'man on 03/25/2011 at 11:58 AM
    Thanks for showing the first table and how little those earning less (and most likely using more services) pay in taxes. A flat tax would make EVERYONE pay an equal percentage. It would also provide some consequences for voting in folks who seek to steal money from people in the form of taxes to pay for social programs and gov run charities. If you want the services you should pay for them, or better yet let people CHOOSE if they want to donate to charitable ventures rather than forcing them to pay for them. You liberals are all about choice right?
  • Posted by:
    da'man on 07/04/2009 at 9:11 AM
    Graffiti is a crime. It is destruction of property. If one is not secure in one's property then they are nothing more than a slave.

    The Tucson weekly once again promotes crime in our community.
  • Posted by:
    da'man on 06/29/2009 at 7:38 AM
    So,how long has Grijalva been working for the drug cartels?