Thursday, February 28, 2013

Remove (Or Perhaps Replace?) Your Conspiracy Caps: Luke AFB Claims Responsibility For The Boom

Posted By on Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 6:06 PM

Apparently, the boom that reverberated through out Tucson last night was caused by F-16 fighter jets operating out of Luke Air Force Base.

From the local daily:

The 425th Fighter Squadron from Luke Air Force Base in Glendale was on a training mission in F-16 jets when one of the aircraft broke the sound barrier west of Kitt Peak, said Staff Sgt. Chris Hatch, a spokesman for the 56th Fighter Wing at Luke.

Hatch said the pilot was allowed to break the sound barrier as part of the training. He could not say if similar training was planned soon.

Reports of the window-rattling boom began flooded social media sites, and hundreds of calls came in to Tucson area 911 dispatchers at about 7:45 p.m. Wednesday.

So no worries, folks, it was just a training exercise and absolutely, definitely not aliens—or your mom falling out of bed. Zing!

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