Wednesday, December 26, 2012

More Police in Schools Often Means More Students in the Juvenile Justice System

Posted By on Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 11:30 AM

Barely two weeks since the shooting in Connecticut, and without surprise, we're no longer any closer to resolving our differences on assault weapons and why the NRA exists in its current incarnation. But according to the Justice Policy Institute, any strategy to avoid future tragedies of this magnitude, going the route of putting cops or armed guards in schools may cause other problems:

The increase in the presence of law enforcement in schools, especially in the form of school resource officers (SROs) has coincided with increases in referrals to the justice system, especially for minor offenses like disorderly conduct. This is causing lasting harm to youth, as arrests and referrals to the juvenile justice system disrupt the educational process and can lead to suspension, expulsion, or other alienation from school. All of these negative effects set youth on a track to drop out of school and put them at greater risk of becoming involved in the justice system later on, all at tremendous costs for taxpayers as well the youth themselves and their communities.

Yep, they have a report.


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