Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Occupy Tucson Protestors Elude Police by Climbing Trees

Posted By on Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 9:45 AM

  • Alex Maldonado

As the number of citations grow and the court options dwindle, Occupy Tucson protestors have taken to avoiding police the same way that primitive man might have avoided predators: They climbed up into trees when the police came by.

Here's a press release from Occupy Tucson's Alex Maldonado:

In a rare direct action/resistance by Occupy Tucson, not seen across the nation thus far, occupiers climbed the trees of Veinte de Agosto Park before the 10:30pm citation time.

At approximately 11pm, the Tucson Police Department notified Occupy Tucson stating that there would be no enforcement, nor citations for staying in the park after hours for the night.

Several writers and two local television news stations were present to document the action, and reaction of TPD.

Could this be the move that could bring both the City of Tucson and Occupy Tucson to the negotiating table or is this a sign of a possible moratorium on citations?

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