Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sluts and Fox News

Posted By on Tue, May 10, 2011 at 4:45 PM

Raw Story notes that Fox News' Sean Hannity is covering the new "slutwalk" movement with the help of Christian pop singer Rebecca St. James:

Fox News’ Sean Hannity invited Christian pop singer Rebecca St. James to discuss recent “slutwalk” protests.

The first demonstration was called earlier this month after a Toronto police officer claimed “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” Since then, protests have spread through cities across the U.S.

“I think there has to be responsibility though for what a woman is wearing,” St. James told Hannity Monday. “When a woman is dressing in an immodest way, in a proactive way, she’s got to think about what is she saying by her dress?”

“They’re asking for sex,” she continued. “They’re asking for sex if they’re dressed immodestly.”

Somebody better let Fox News' Megyn Kelly know about that before her next GQ shoot. (And speaking of her GQ shoot: If you get a chance, be sure to read the entire Q&A—the part about whether Obama is a secret Muslim and the nature of Fox News viewers is hysterical.)

BTW: Tucson has its own Slutwalk this Friday, May 13, at 5 p.m. in front of the Tucson Police Department's downtown headquarters. Details here.

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