Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Nasty Boys of CD8

Posted By on Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:12 PM

Emil Franzi, a million-word Weekly contributor and longtime local political pundit, has penned an op-ed for the Explorer about the good-old American mudslinging down in CD8.

The GOP candidates in CD8 are currently exchanging attacks via handouts at joint appearances, principally from Jesse Kelly whomping Jonathan Paton and Paton whacking back. Paton used one I found so shaky that I verified its authenticity directly with him. He said he was responding to Kelly's hits and was tired of hearing about having been a lobbyist. Bet J.D. Hayworth is, too.

I reviewed a batch of Kelly material illustrating a series of Paton votes in the State Legislature on tort reform, school choice, the state budget, and others that Kelly claims prove Paton isn't really a conservative. While there's wiggle room on some, Kelly's point is that he is to the right of Paton. Paton's response tries to infer that he is to the right of Kelly.

You can read the whole thing here.

Hat tip to the Giffords campaign, who will be voting Jesse Kelly in the Republican primary.

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