Member since Dec 13, 2011


  • Posted by:
    tuwebenego on 11/10/2015 at 8:40 AM
    The "All Souls Procession" is a fascinating and unique event. I'm amazed that so many people take the time to create such detailed ,elaborate and colorful costumes. It's interesting to watch and intriguing to know about this celebration for those who have passed over. Next year I hope it draws more converts and gains more attention nationwide. Tucson needs additional reasons to be recognized for it's remarkable heritage and justification for the pride we feel.
  • Posted by:
    tuwebenego on 10/22/2015 at 9:35 AM
    The Republicans are not just defunding Education in Arizona as a way to conserve the budget for other projects. It is a concerted effort by the Republican party to make our Education system so ineffective that the next natural step is to "PRIVATIZE" the system which gives our public money to private companies the same way that they gave CCA our prisons. And can you even imagine all of the re-election money that Republicans will get from their partnership with these private companies. Privatization is being instituted in many states wherever there are Republicans in control of state legislatures and it's not just in the education field but every aspect of government controlled industry that is being whittled away from government control.
  • Posted by:
    tuwebenego on 04/30/2015 at 9:35 AM
    Re: “Ask a Mexican!
    Dear Mexican,
    I would like to see Mexico become a part of the United States and to see it done incrementally by incorporating the northern states of Mexico one at a time once they meet the requirements set by a committee of ambassadors from the U.S. and Mexico. Rather than have the Mexican people uprooted from their homes and states and thrown into an insecure future it would be much better to expand the U.S. Economy to include them. They could call themselves Mexican-Americans just as the Blacks call themselves African-Americans. I don't believe in fighting an unwinnable war against people that just want to make life better for themselves and their children.
  • Posted by:
    tuwebenego on 09/04/2012 at 3:05 PM
    Getting political advice from Chuck Norris is like getting abstinence advice from Bristol Palin. Norris is just another has-been Republican who keeps giving moronic advice since he has become irrelevant as far as acting is concerned.
  • Posted by:
    tuwebenego on 08/17/2012 at 4:29 PM
    Joe the plumber will get the support of Republican voters because they are a collection of mindless morons who don't have the intelligence to make a valid decision. I work with them and socialize with them and they are wooden-headed no-nothings who rely on their ideology to make all their decisions. They take the cowards way out so they can vote without having to use more than one brain cell to make a choice. When the workers of this country have been relegated to serfdom and the elderly are waiting in lines at soup kitchens run by the church and the sick have to rely on their own knowledge to get well maybe the wooden-headed 99% who vote for the Republican party will realize what they have wrought on this country.
  • Posted by:
    tuwebenego on 08/10/2012 at 4:42 PM
    Leave it to the morons in Arizona to legislate laws that are contrary to the United States Constitution. The Founding Fathers knew that religious leaders would try to hoodwink the citizens just as they have throughout history and now the Theocrats are trying to force their ideology on us all. The radical muslims in the middle east are no different than the radical christians in the United States. Both have killed to make their message relevant. They wont be happy until we live in a Theocracy and the church can dictate all the weird crap that they have been putting people thru for centuries. I believe in God but I don't want some bible thumping cretin telling me how to live my life.
  • Posted by:
    tuwebenego on 12/29/2011 at 3:39 PM
    Re: “Editorial
    If Connie and Shaba both die of grief within a year of being separated can the officials at Greed Park Zoo be accused of Murder since they were warned that it would happen. Are the officials at Greed Park Zoo so mentally deficient and morally bankrupt that they would separate Connie and Shaba after 40 years especially since the zoo used the emotional link between the elephants to extort millions of dollars from concerned citizens to keep the two together. Why don't the officials at the Greed Park Zoo take their degrees to the Chicago Stock Yards where their murder of innocent animals wont be noticed by anybody and they can kill to their hearts content without any criticism from the public.