Member since Jun 10, 2011


  • Posted by:
    Tucson Alarm Company on 04/09/2013 at 7:56 AM
    I have a plan to stop the fighting between the Council and people who are trying to turn this City around. It will also bring national media exposer to the what is actually going on in Tucson, since our local media refuses to expose the Council. I have contacts with Hollywood producers who are interested in doing a reality TV show on the City Council and Mayor. This would allow us to continue down the path of failure, but have a means of generating some revenues to pay for it. It has been entertaining, but most of us can't afford further tickets to the show. I am onto something here that would allow the Council and the Chamber of Commerce to continue to create special interest projects. The nuttier the Council gets, the higher the ratings, the more the show would generate. Think about this, something has to be done, or you will run out of taxpayer money and the comedy show will have to end some day anyway.
  • Posted by:
    Tucson Alarm Company on 06/10/2011 at 7:12 AM
    I am happy that someone is trying to unseat this dinasour. Shirley Scott has blindley ignored business in this community too long. People need to start attending city council meetings and see the disfunction leading this city.

    Being a small business owner, for almost 30 years, I have never once had a call returned to me by Shirley Scott. I can contact a state legislature, from across the state, but I can't contact a city council person? She is one of many that can't look a business owner eye to eye and address real issues.

    The city of Tucson continues to break state laws and refuses to even hear from business owners effected. Shirley Scott refuses to even take a call from me to address this. How can a city expect citizens obey laws, when the the city itself continues to violate law? City licensing requirements, of contractors, violates state statute 32-1101.01. The city knows this and refuses to enforce the law, but continues to take money from those who pay it. The city, including Shirley Scott, also refuses to even discuss this with me.