Member since Jan 9, 2011


  • Posted by:
    SouthwestLover on 05/11/2016 at 1:05 PM
    Ya know...David...I ...just....think the public education system is more complicated HERE IN TUCSON....and with respect, if you only have the perspective of looking in from the OUTSIDE instead of on the ground experience with children in the system.....many times your opinions don't ring quite true.
    This is one of them. By forcing UHS to conform to open entrance protocol, you do a great disservice to two is the kids that just don't fit the UHS mold, and the kids that do get in under the relaxed current just don't get that it is a bad fit....ARGH. Your bias against what UHS does for students that fit and need that extra umph in their education is just wrong. I'd like you to look at the low end achiever schools....those perfectly fit the kids of that ability. To shove those in with different abilities would screw both populations.
  • Posted by:
    SouthwestLover on 10/07/2015 at 6:45 PM
    These plaintiffs need to face TODAY, not 30 years ago. I had my kid in a magnet school in 2006-9...and you know what the truth is? The students there disrespected the teachers, the teachers that cared got minimal support from parents, and the school had a hell of a time filling vacant positions like MATH CLASSES.
    So...I am sick of these plaintiffs and their money wasting battle. Give it up already, and run for TUSD school board and get elected if you want to make real change.
  • Posted by:
    SouthwestLover on 02/18/2015 at 4:57 PM
    Gifted education is JUST AS IMPORTANT as differently abled deny that shows a lack of understanding of how different children learn. To put all the abilities in one classroom and expect one teacher to be effective for all 30 or so students...well, you either deny facts or have not had children in a classroom or spoken with a teacher faced with that situation.
  • Posted by:
    SouthwestLover on 02/16/2015 at 3:33 PM
    Is there a map of the line route anywhere????
  • Posted by:
    SouthwestLover on 01/05/2015 at 12:24 PM
    The Federal Deseg has outlived its usefulness by a decade or so.
    That needs to go away so politics can finally have a chance to get out of TUSD and the district can get back to its primary mission of educating kids....all of the kids...equally.
  • Posted by:
    SouthwestLover on 10/04/2014 at 3:26 PM
    Hey cool! I agree with Bill Maher! For once! Seriously....good stuff here, maybe I will try tuning into his show again....
  • Posted by:
    SouthwestLover on 09/21/2014 at 12:41 PM
    If Ducey had his way he'd probably be happy with with AZ schools being all charter or private schools subsided with tax credit B.S.

    But I don't think I agree with this writer's assessment. Regan was an ass...but my public school teachers in the 70's...and I graduated HS early 80's....were pretty damn good. I don't care what Regan said, the school system was only beginning to take a turn for the worse starting in the 80's....and I suspect you and I would totally disagree on why it did. So I don't see this as a Ducey blunder...he has a bunch of them, don't use weak ones to make your case.