Member since Jan 4, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Rosmarie Epaminondas-Boehm on 01/04/2013 at 9:36 AM
    Re: “Moody Metaphors
    I am a reader, not a critic. And that's what I thought about Jefferson Carter's latest:

    Get Serious, the title of Jefferson Carter’s new poetry collection may as well be Carter’s way of talking to himself under his breath. From Carter’s poetry I get the feeling that he’s hiding his seriousness in what often seem ‘light’ poems, funny to the average reader. Some may be written tongue-in-cheek – because that’s the only way he is often able to express his most serious concerns; sometimes he’s hiding engagement, tremendous love and tenderness in metaphors that make one smile; often there is pure sarcasm expressing despair about the state of the world and all who sail in her.

    His poems are sometimes caustic, entertaining and thought provoking, enjoyable and sad, exceedingly well-crafted and often brilliant.

    You want another ‘book full of Jefferson’, the one who will not get serious, read Get Serious. It contains some old friends from former editions of his work which I was happy to meet again.