Member since Jun 6, 2014


  • Posted by:
    HavingPerspective on 06/06/2014 at 1:01 PM
    Regarding Gonzo's "When a journalist publishes anything at all, it's being done to either support or attack a position."... Note that that's not journalism you describe. It's editorial, or opinion pieces. Actual Journalism is unbiased reporting of information.
    I know Fox has mangled understanding of what that means, or how that can possibly be done, but sharing information, is journalism. Expressing opinions or taking sides, is NOT journalism.
    Granted, this piece isn't actually journalism... but that's because it's not investigating and presenting more info. And that's because this is the internet, and a blog, a format where interesting / thought provoking stuff is shared and readers are expected to investigate cross-references for themselves.
    That is what makes blogging different than Journalism, as well as the fact that usually bloggers do infuse the post with their own opinions.
    But sometimes, just sharing something for others to look into, is what a blog does, and that's also a good thing.