Member since Jan 8, 2011


  • Posted by:
    GrannyBG on 05/12/2011 at 9:07 AM
    Re: “Mailbag
    Education: I'm old enough to remember when we actually had civic classes in school. (That was outlawed around 30 years ago at the beginning of the coup d'etat by the Corporate Party...which is close to totally taking over America now.)

    You wonder why we don't have money for the things that make America strong? (Things like: we the people, healthcare, our bridges, roads and education). The Corporate Party via their legislative shills have voted more and more of our tax dollars to the trans national corporations and billionaires that run them. Every time we CUT their taxes it is a HUGE transfer of wealth from America to them. Trillion dollar wars over the last 10 years for Haliburton and the Oil companies was another source of robbery.

    This did not happen over has taken 30 years but now they are in the cat bird seat: they own the media propaganda and "our" legislators. Is your legislator voting for things that help you...or Exxon Mobile/Insurance Companies and Big Banks? It's not what they say: it's what they do. We now know that "trickle down" and "Free Trade" were the biggest scams ever. Never since the Great Depression has the top 2% had so much of our wealth.
  • Posted by:
    GrannyBG on 01/08/2011 at 4:51 PM
    The state of hate allows anyone who wants a gun to buy a rules here.