Member since Jan 16, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Gawker on 01/16/2010 at 9:57 AM
    Re: “Avatar
    Regarding Avatar, the plot is not completely original, but the setting is, and the visual component of telling this story is so impacting that it catapults the whole experience into something awe-inspiring. This movie goes somewhere beyond meaningful by reiterating a theme we have seen all to often on this planet in a format that is revolutionarily tangible. Its absurd to think that a movie that addresses the usurping of native rights and terse dismissal of an entire foreign culture for the sake of personal gain could not be meaningful.

    Though we have read the story in our history books, and seen versions of it in Dances With Wolves and Fern Gully, we have never had the opportunity to be so close to it (to be almost inside it). The relevance of this movie for a multiple of reasons will have an impact on how we appreciate movies in the future.

    Thumbs up for Dances With Smurfs!
  • Posted by:
    Gawker on 01/16/2010 at 8:44 AM
    Re: “Packing a Punch
    When Bob Grimm became the main movie reviewer for the Weekly, I almost completely stopped reading the movie reviews. His assessments are so obviously lacking in depth and generally fail to recognize any real intelligence in the films he reviews. While he tries to feign having an intellectual review of a film, he would be better off writing,"Dude, it was a pretty cool movie. The chick sucked though".

    I always look with hope to see the name Digiovanna at the bottom of a review.