Member since Dec 25, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Danny Alias on 12/25/2012 at 1:12 PM
    Wayne LaPierre is French.. & Fried!

    As Julia Child once remarked: “If no one’s in the kitchen, who’s to see it?”

    Or: “Soufflés don’t kill people; bad soufflés kill people.”

    Apparently LaPierre thought appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” would be like using a new dry cleaner, but all that resulted was steam. Listening closely as LaPierre dodged every question shot at him, he deftly ducked behind a stack of 50 year old copies of the National Review, the Women’s Wear Daily of the gun lobby.

    No, like Pontius Pilates, LaPierre stood his ground while seated. He faced down the hard questions with the soft sell. In a nutshell, here is his three-point wide stance.

    1) More drug dealers need to be sent to prison. An excellent point as we need more drugs in prison. It is, like prisons themselves, a growth market.

    2) Violent movies such as “Natural Born Killers” are corrupting our youth. Yes, that 20th Anniversary DVD edition must have somehow tainted a VHS-less generation into mass slaughter. If only Oliver Stone had been stopped earlier by a more aggressively marketed Betamax, things like this (and JFK) wouldn’t have happened.

    3) Armed guards at schools. OK, Wayne forgot that 1/3rd of all schools already have guards, or that there were armed guards at Columbine, Virginia Tech, etc. Let’s give this hero some slack; he’s only one man with 3,742 guns under his bed.

    My 2013 resolution, no more fried… anything.

    Danny Alias