Friday, April 5, 2013

ALIPAC To Use 'Illegal Invaders' In Response To AP's Decision To Strike Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

Posted By on Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 1:23 PM

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, an organization that advocates for immigration enforcement and border security, released a statement on April 3 in response to the Associated Press' recent decision to no longer use the term 'illegal immigrant' in its stylebook:

ALIPAC is changing its "style" preference in all future articles and press releases today in response to the totalitarian steps by the Associated Press to make "illegal immigrants" disappear with the stroke of a pen just days before legislation attempting to do the same is expected to be filed in Washington, DC, by the "Gang of 8."

ALIPAC will now use the more accurate term "illegal invaders" or simply "illegals" to describe the class of criminals represented by the more than 12 million people on American soil who have chosen to violate America's immigration laws and borders.

"This Big Brother move by AP is political correctness on steroids," said William Gheen, President of ALIPAC. "What class of criminals will the Associated Press and Congress make disappear next with the stroke of a pen? Perhaps they will make all of the rapists, shop lifters, drug dealers, tax cheats, prostitutes and pimps disappear too?"

The AP's decision will likely have more of an impact in future articles than ALIPAC's decision. But at least supporters of ALIPAC can be satisfied knowing someone stood up to AP's "totalitarian" decision.

You can find ALIPAC's full statement here

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