Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another Horrifying (In A Bad Way) Halloween Costume: Sexy Osama Bin Laden

Posted By on Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 12:46 PM

This "sexy" costume of Osama bin Laden (complete with false beard and nose!) really, really should not exist. The fact that it does strikes me with a profound sadness.

But hey, any time you think there may be a demand from women who wish to dress as one of the most despised human beings in American history (a person whose assassination caused spontaneous celebration in front of the White House!), you've got to jump on that, right?

I cant tell if Im crying, or if my eyes are bleeding.
  • I can't tell if I'm crying, or if my eyes are bleeding.

For more costumes within that slideshow that are thankfully less terrible than that one, click on that picture of Osama bin Leggy to be taken to Business Insider's slideshow of "the 15 Most Bizarrely Unnecessary Sexy Halloween Costumes of 2012."

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