Saturday, September 1, 2012

You May Soon Wear Be Wearing Battery Bracelets

Posted By on Sat, Sep 1, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Image from Extreme Tech.

Interesting news coming from LG Chem: The company has developed a lithium-ion battery cable that's thin enough to be incorporated into clothing and accessories, meaning that now, you really will have The Power.

From Extreme Tech:

Now, flexible batteries have been created before — but they’ve all just standard, flat, laminated batteries made from sub-optimum materials, such as polymers. As such, as they have very low energy density, and they’re only bendy in the same way that a thin sheet of plastic is bendy. LG Chem’s cable-type batteries have the same voltage and energy density as your smartphone battery — but they’re thin and highly flexible to boot. LG Chem has already powered an iPod Shuffle for 10 hours using a knotted 25cm length of cable-type battery. LG’s goal is to have this battery ready for mass production by 2017.

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely willing to wait five years to be able to charge the ridiculous number of electronics I carry from a cable around my wrist.

Screw flying cars. We live in the future, people.

(Wait. We have flying cars now, too.)

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