Member since Oct 23, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Amanda Altamirano on 10/26/2012 at 7:12 AM
    Flake is a fraud. He has sold out to the party. The puppet master has bought those he can in both of the parties. Only way for the people to win is to keep throwing the "sell outs" out of office and put new blood and new ideas in there from people who do not "owe" anyone anything.Vote the best people into office. It doesn't matter what party that they come from.
  • Posted by:
    Amanda Altamirano on 10/23/2012 at 8:40 AM
    We do not need a democratic congress or a republican congress. We need to ignor the labels. We need people in there that will work to solve the problems. I agree that when Kyl, McCain and Flake were in there and Bush wanted to solve immigration and could have, he got NO support from them (including Flake). So why send him back? He flunked already. Flake is in bed with the private prison corporations and would rather have a porous border and catch and "swiftly punish" the illegal crossers to fill up those cells and then complain about the Dems not doing anything about it. Meanwhile, we pay for it in higher taxes, and everything that goes with it. Incarcerating illegals does not benefit us. It benefits CCA at appox. $180 per person per day plus we still get to pay for their medical expenses in addition to that. Flake is just taking care of Flake and his friends. Time for the fraud to go.