Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Get to Know Lee "Scratch" Perry, Genius/Crazy Person

Posted By on Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 12:00 PM

Ever since the Rialto announced that Lee "Scratch" Perry is coming to town with the Wailers next month, I keep meaning to post something about what a strange and outstanding occasion this show is. However, it's a little difficult to capture what's special about the guy in a blog post. Sure, he might have invented reggae (if you ask him, at least), but his discography is full of so many wildly different projects, under a nearly infinite number of names, with an endless list of collaborators, so it's a bit hard to get a read on who Lee Perry is and what sort of music he actually makes. However, GQ managed to interview the legend for their music issue on stands now, so maybe that will give some indication of why you should get your tickets now to see the man in person:

GQ: What do you think people think of you?
Lee "Scratch" Perry: Those who think I am crazy still will—that's my wishes. Those that think I'm not crazy, they come to learn what made me crazy. I believe in trees, plants, flowers, roses, earth, wind and fire, water, rain, nature, storm, hurricane, tidal wave, I believe in the sea, and I believe in sun, I believe in river and I believe in river-stone and I believe in the earth and I believe in rock-stone and I believe in nature's grace.

GQ: Why do you live in Switzerland?
Lee "Scratch" Perry: Because the mountain. I am addicted to rock-stone. And Switzerland had lots of lovely rock-stone. I like ice as well. I am so addicted to ice. It make me feel very fresh. I love to see. It's like a beauty to my eyesight.


GQ: You're from Sirius?
Lee "Scratch" Perry: Of course.

GQ: When did you come here?
Lee "Scratch" Perry: I don't know if it's 75,000 years ago.

GQ: Are we all from Sirius, or just you?
Lee "Scratch" Perry: You could be. You seeing the truth.

GQ: What separates the people who come from Sirius from everyone else?
Lee "Scratch" Perry: They will be the ruler of the next generation.

GQ: What's life like back on Sirius?
Lee "Scratch" Perry: In Sirius we don't have nothing to do than swim. People want to go to Mars but it's not lovely on Mars.

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